Donations are being made to support 12on12off
The movement for safe and sane hours in the industry was the all consuming issue for Haskell Wexler.
Since making the documentary "Who Needs Sleep?" and co-founding 12on12off, Haskell has been
the staunchest supporter of this movement and worked tirelessly just about every day of his life,
dedicated to this all important issue that affects all working people.
Haskell passed away on December 27, 2015 but 12on12off will continue the struggle to achieve safe,
sane and healthy working conditions for the industry in which he worked for over six decades.
Donations have been pouring in, appreciation for Haskell's dedication and support so that 12on12off will live on.
We will be putting up a list to acknowledge all of the support that 12on12off has been receiving, donations
made in Haskell's name in support of 12on12off.